The Best Institutionalized Program for Culture and the Arts Award aims to
recognize outstanding initiatives that promote and preserve the country’s rich
cultural heritage and foster creativity and innovation in the arts.

Best Institutionalized Program for Culture and the Arts Open for Municipalities, Cities (Component and Highly Urbanized), and Provinces.
Further, it aims to:
(a) Promote Cultural Diversity and Inclusivity: The Best Institutionalized
Program for Culture and the Arts Award can recognize programs that promote and
celebrate the diverse cultures and traditions of the Philippines, as well as initiatives
that promote inclusivity and dialogue among different cultural groups. By
recognizing these programs, the award can inspire other organizations to develop
similar initiatives that celebrate and respect the country’s cultural diversity.
(b) Support Creative Industries and Artists: The Best Institutionalized
Program for Culture and the Arts Award can recognize programs that support the
development and growth of the creative industries in the Philippines, including
initiatives that provide funding, training, and networking opportunities for artists
and cultural entrepreneurs. By recognizing these programs, the award can motivate
other organizations to invest in the country’s creative talent and help stimulate
economic growth through the arts.
(c) Preserve and Promote Heritage Sites: The Best Institutionalized Program
for Culture and the Arts Award can recognize programs that promote the
preservation and rehabilitation of cultural and heritage sites, as well as initiatives
that promote responsible and sustainable tourism that respects the cultural integrity
of these sites. By recognizing these programs, the award can inspire other
organizations to develop similar initiatives that help protect and promote the
country’s cultural and natural heritage.
(d) Enhance Cultural Education and Awareness: The Best Institutionalized
Program for Culture and the Arts Award can recognize programs that promote
cultural education and awareness among Filipinos, especially the youth. These
programs can include initiatives that provide access to cultural resources, such as
museums, libraries, and archives, as well as activities that encourage creative
expression and critical thinking. By recognizing these programs, the award can
encourage other organizations to prioritize the development of cultural literacy and
appreciation among the Filipino population.
(e) Strengthen Cultural Diplomacy and Exchange: The Best Institutionalized
Program for Culture and the Arts Award can recognize programs that promote
cultural diplomacy and exchange between the Philippines and other countries. These
programs can include cultural festivals, art exhibitions, and performing arts tours
that showcase the best of Filipino culture and foster international understanding and
cooperation. By recognizing these programs, the award can inspire other
organizations to develop similar initiatives that promote the Philippines as a hub for
cultural exchange and diplomacy.